Welcome to The Latter-day Saint Organist's Resource Blog

The purpose of this blog is to help pianists learn to become true organists. Many individuals believe that if you play the piano you can play the organ, but the instruments differ greatly. While this blog is specifically geared towards members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, much of the information shared can be utilized by all. I hope that the information I share here will help you become an effective organist in your ward, stake, or other congregation.

Feel free to browse and search this blog. It was started in January 2010 and while new posts aren't added very often, this blog contains a wealth of information and is a wonderful resource for all organists. If you're a new reader, you can find the first lesson here: Before We Begin: Acquiring the Essentials. Also, please "like" the corresponding facebook page, which is updated more often. A link is provided on the right sidebar, or you can click here.

Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Song: Christmas Fantasy

Christmas Fantasy, performed by Mark Andrews in 1925.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sunday Song: Variations on Thanksgiving Hymns

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is a special installment of a Sunday Song, to celebrate Thanksgiving. Variations on Thanksgiving Hymns by Daniel R. Boyle, played by Daniel on the Rodgers 698 Allegiant Organ at Grace Lutheran Church in Elmore, Ohio.

In case you missed it, here is last year's Thanksgiving video:

For the Beauty of the Earth, played at St Matthias Church, Berlin.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Song: Thanksgiving from Three Meditations on New Hope

Thanksgiving from Three Meditations on New Hope by Thomas Åberg. Here Thomas is playing his own work at the organ in St. Jacob's church, Stockholm.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Song: Irving Berlin Medley

I hope your Veterans Day was memorable. I used to play with my high school band every Veterans Day at a National Cemetery, and we always played a medley of Irving Berlin's patriotic songs. This memory caused me to look for Irving Berlin played on the organ.

Today's Sunday Song is played on a theater organ by Dwight Thomas. He plays an Irving Berlin medley. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Song: For All the Saints Who From Their Labors Rest

Happy belated All Saints Day!

For All the Saints Who From Their Labors Rest played on a Ruffatti organ (53 ranks of pipes, about 40 digital ranks) by a young organist.