
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Frustrated Because of Your Mistakes?

How many of you heard the live version of Music & the Spoken Word on Sunday? Did the organ introduction to the opening number sound a little off to you? Richard Elliot had, in his words, a "less-than-stellar performance." So much so, in fact, that the piece needed to be re-recorded for the re-broadcast.

Normally I would never point out the mistakes of others, as I think it's not productive to dwell on them. In this case, however, I think it's good for everyday organists to know that nobody is perfect. Making mistakes is human, and even the accomplished Richard Elliott is not immune. So when you're struggling because of the mistakes you make, take heart and know that you're in good company with the rest of us! 
I've certainly made my share of gut-wrenching mistakes.